The continent that’s quickly rising in the ranks of digital nomad destinations. Africa’s vast deserts, tropical jungles, and breathtaking mountains make it a sight to awe.
As internet infrastructure improves and general safety strengthens, more and more cities are being considered as digital nomad hot spots.
Statistically having some of the youngest entrepreneurs means that you’ll encounter lots of young creatives to collaborate with and get inspired by.

You won’t find Cape Verde on many other nomad lists, but that’s what makes it so special.
This native Portuguese-speaking island off the coast of Africa has conditions that make kite surfing several months out of the year possible.
If you’re wondering whether this island can withstand your digital needs, coffee shops and hot spot tethering are your answer for higher speeds.
A Youtube career may be better off started elsewhere with higher upload speeds, but it’s hard to resist an island with $800/mo average monthly costs.
Hitch a ride on one of the retro buses and explore this island’s undying beaches.
sal, cape verde
Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
It’s difficult to summarize the benefits of living in this city into just one list.
Cape Town wraps around a large mountain range on one side, while it borders the ocean on the other, making it a unique city with lots to do.
You can hike, surf, tout a winery, have coffee at one of the world-renowned cafes, or see the penguins along the beach all in one week.
Best part of all these activities is that they’ll cost you way less than it would in most other countries–average monthly expenses here are just over $1,000.
Great internet infrastructure and a boat load of co-working spaces make this city a solid nomad choice.
Safety is a valid concern but if you have a bit of street smarts you’ll be looking to extend your visa here by week 2.
cape town, south africa
Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay